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Get Your Trezor Initial Setup: The "" page serves as the starting point for users who have purchased a Trezor hardware wallet and are looking to … is the official website for setting up and managing your Trezor hardware wallet. Here are the key steps to get started:

  1. Go to in your web browser to access the official setup guide.

  2. Download the Trezor Suite software from the website, which is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. The Trezor Suite is the companion app used to manage your Trezor wallet.

  3. Connect your Trezor hardware wallet to your computer using the USB cable provided. Make sure your computer is connected to the internet.

  4. Open the Trezor Suite and follow the setup wizard. This will guide you through initializing your device, generating a secure recovery seed phrase, and creating a PIN code for security.

  5. Carefully write down the 12-24 word recovery seed on the provided card and store it securely. This allows you to recover your wallet if needed.

  6. Once set up, you can use the Trezor Suite to send and receive cryptocurrencies, track your portfolio, buy and sell assets, and access advanced features like coin control and Tor integration for enhanced privacy.

The website provides comprehensive guides and support for both the Trezor One and Trezor Model T hardware wallets. By following the official setup process, you can securely manage your digital assets with the robust security features of Trezor.

What are the steps to recover a Trezor wallet if I lose my device

If you lose your Trezor hardware wallet, you can recover your funds by following these steps:

  1. Obtain a new Trezor device (Model One or Model T) and connect it to your computer using the USB cable.

  2. Open the Trezor Suite software and choose the "Recover wallet" option during the setup process. If you used a passphrase with your lost Trezor, you'll need to remember that as well.

  3. Enter the 12 or 24 word recovery seed that you wrote down when you initially set up your lost Trezor. This seed is a backup of your private keys and allows you to restore access to your funds.

  4. Set a new PIN code for the replacement Trezor device.

  5. Enable the cryptocurrencies you previously used with your lost Trezor so you can see your balances.

  6. If you used a passphrase with your lost Trezor, enter it now to access your hidden wallet.

  7. As an extra precaution, consider temporarily transferring your funds to a software or exchange wallet, then wipe and reset your new Trezor with a fresh seed. This ensures no one can access your funds if your lost Trezor is compromised.

By following these steps and using your recovery seed, you can regain access to your cryptocurrency holdings even if your Trezor device is lost, stolen or damaged. The seed words are the key to your funds, not the physical device itself.

What should I do if I forget my Trezor passphrase

If you forget your Trezor passphrase, there is no way to recover it. The passphrase is not stored anywhere and only you know what it is. Without the correct passphrase, you will not be able to access your hidden wallet.

The only option is to try to guess the passphrase by brute-forcing different combinations of words, phrases, or characters that you think you may have used. This can be done using free open source software or by paying a recovery service. However, if you have no idea what the passphrase was, you are out of luck.

Creating a new wallet or recovering with your seed words will not help, as they only give you access to a new, empty wallet. The passphrase is like an additional 25th word to your seed, and without it, the hidden wallet it generates remains inaccessible.

To avoid this situation, it is crucial to carefully choose a memorable passphrase and never store it digitally or together with your seed words. Non-frequent users should set reminders to refresh their memory of the passphrase. But if you do forget it, there is no way for Trezor to recover it for you.

Last updated